Monday, March 15, 2010

So Fresh Entertainment Manual

Dancer Manual

Guidelines / Responsibilities

  1. Creates excitement by constantly moving, jumping, skipping and showing high energy
  2. Wears costumes and utilizes party goods at the appropriate times
  3. Gets into a character that’s fun; you do not act tired even if you are tired
  4. Shows enthusiasm with jovial facial expressions
  5. Dances with many people at the party
  6. Is seen dancing with adults as well as kids
  7. Spends time with the host family and keeps them in the spot light
  8. Makes sure to know the kids’ names and for them to know your name
  9. Is affable with the guests, even when not dancing; is frequently seen joking with the guest on the side-lines
  10. Is a leader on the dance floor; when you are out there, everyone takes notice as you lead a group of guests to follow your moves
  11. Is totally aware of the party goods and distributes items accordingly during each dance set
  12. Has constant eye contact with the guests
  13. Never dances alone or with other So Fresh dancers; always a part of a group
  14. Knows when to “perform” by twisting, dipping or turning guests
  15. Is more than willing to dance with guests of all ages
  16. Is astute to everything going on at the event by listening to the MC and following his lead
  17. Must be certain that everyone on the dance floor is participating with the MC by encouraging and leading those dancing with you
  18. Knows how to set up and break down equipment; if there is new equipment, learn how to use it
  19. Is always accessible during a show to the MC and other dancers; never leaves the room without making your team aware of your location
  20. Never invites friends, girlfriends, boyfriends or parents to an event; these are private affairs

If you follow the above guidelines to the best of your abilities, clients will call to

request you for their parties. You should strive to make each event your best.

This will ultimately mean more work and more money for you.

Rules / Regulations

1. You must respect your call time.

So Fresh management organizes a call time that will allow for the unexpected events such as traffic or getting lost. If you are asked to meet at 7:00 A.M., aim to arrive 30 minutes prior so you can arrive on time. MC’s are required to arrive at the meeting location 30 minutes after dancer call time. At no time is a dancer to arrive after an MC. If you or your ride is late, you will be docked 10% from your show pay. Ultimately, if we can not count on you to be on time, you

will not get booked for future events.

2. You are responsible for your attire.

You are hired as an entertainer for an elaborate event. You will see men in tuxedos and women in ball gowns dressed to impress. Therefore, we expect you to look your best. You are required to wear black dress pants or slacks. Jeans with multiple pockets or adornments are not acceptable. Shoes must be entirely black without embellishments, which are comfortable for dancing. Do not wear excessive jewelry and absolutely no crosses of any kind.

3. You are prohibited from the following:

NO gum chewing, smoking, eating or drinking on the dance floor, stage or behind the DJ booth. These actions are extremely unprofessional and unacceptable. Buffets are for the guests only. Do not assume that you may partake of any food without the consent of the MC. Food is usually provided by the caterer and your MC will handle the details on your behalf.

 4. The MC is in charge of the event.

You are to report to him since he is responsible for an evaluation of your performance. Raises are available to any entertainer that works for them based on your review from the MC. If you are not doing your share, others will have to pick up your slack, especially the MC. This will definitely reflect on you and future bookings. Working together as a team and doing your part will make everyone shine. You will be evaluated on a 20-point system.


5. You are hired for your talent and interactive personality.

Your ability to dance is a plus; however, your skills to interact with the guests are most important. It is your job to get to know the guests, especially the host family. Do not follow other dancers around the party; instead, find your own ways to add fun to the party. Be a leader and move the crowd!

6. Be polite and kind at all times.

Do not, under any circumstances, curse or be rude to anyone at the party. This includes all guests, all employees of the establishment and your So Fresh team. Being rude or arguing with a

caterer, vendor or guest may only keep you from being hired. Refrain from making inappropriate comments about anyone at any time. You may not be aware of who is listening and this can only result in less work for you.

7. Respond to a booking phone call within 24 hours.

If you have been called for a particular show and do not respond within 24 hours, you will be

replaced. Check your voice mail, phone messaging, e-mail or call the office. So Fresh Ent welcomes your willingness to work, so checking in to see if there is an available spot for you at any time is fine.

8. If you are unable to make a show, call So Fresh Ent immediately.

Do not wait until the last minute to notify us of any issues with your booking. This will make it more difficult to find a replacement for you. It is important that we trust your ability to be responsible and reliable.

9. Take care of all equipment.

You share responsibility with your So Fresh team to make sure the equipment is properly handled and cared for at the event.  Make sure all party props, costumes, etc. are neatly packed. Do not leave anything behind, and make sure to do a final check before your departure.


10. Any issues/problems must be dealt with in a discreet manner.

Occasionally, there may be a problem “behind the scenes”. In this case, the MC is trained to handle anything that may arise and can do so without drawing much attention to the matter. You are not to discuss these issues with caterers, vendors or guests for any reason.

Top Complaints from Clients / MC’s

  1. Lazy and lethargic, nasty and rude with the kids
  2. Did not hand out party goods chewing gum
  3. Showed up late behind the DJ booth during sets
  4. Did not smile, did not know routines
  5. Looked bored and distant from the event
  6. Did not mingle with guests missing in action at event


The Party

Most parties are divided into sections. They usually begin with a Cocktail Hour which is then followed by an Opening and Grand Entrance. The Candle Lighting Ceremony is included in most Bar / Bat Mitzvahs with Sets of Dancing before and after Dinner. The party is concluded with the Viennese dessert portion, ending with a Finale. The following is a break-down of the party in more detail.

Cocktail Hour

Cocktail Hour is divided into two sections.

Part One: Consists of the mingling with the guests with most of the focus on the kids.

Cocktail hour is your time to get to know the kids. One of the main reasons you are hired is your expertise in interaction with these kids. The impressions you leave with them during this time are crucial to the tone of the rest of the party. This is the time to show confidence and focus on your connections with each child. These kids dictate the energy of the room once the party begins and your skills can lead them toward positive energy. 

It would be advisable for you to work on these skills such as: 

    1. Learn jokes and/or riddles
    2. Teach a dance to a small group of kids that may be used later
    3. Talk about popular TV shows, computer games, MTV, etc.
    4. Ladies can discuss makeup and boys with the girls
    5. Guys can talk about sports or hook-ups with the boys
    6. Play games like Twister or arm wrestling, etc.

Part Two: involves preparation for the Opening and Grand Entrance and may vary depending on the client.
Obviously, you are expected to be dressed and prepared to start as soon as Cocktail Hour begins. Adult guests will be watching you so make sure to leave a great impression. They are expecting you to socialize with the kids and will be ready to name those who are not. Make sure that at some point you have been briefed on the Grand Entrance by the MC.


Below is a detailed list of more tips:

    1. Review with the MC the way the host family wants to be introduced for the Grand Entrance. This is a good time to learn the names of the family.
    2. Plan ahead by knowing which candles the siblings will be lighting for Candle Lighting so that you can dress them up accordingly with party props, etc to make them feel special.
    3. Make sure that someone is appointed to check the system set up and lights to be sure everything is in working order.
    4. Tidy up any boxes or unsightly materials that have been left out in the open. Store anything behind the DJ booth.
    5. Review with the MC the show out-lines. Make it your business to know about any Do’s and Don’ts for the party.
    6. Be mentally prepared for anything. It can not be said enough that you are constantly being watched and critiqued. Word-of-mouth is powerful and your best performance can mean many requests for future events.
    7. If you must take a break, be discreet and notify your MC. This applies to the entire time of the party

Have fun! A great added benefit to this job is that every show is different and you may just find yourself enjoying it!


The Opening of the party will last approximately 15 to 20 minutes and may vary depending on your MC. Dancers should be with the Guest of Honor (GOH) and be able to locate the host family quickly once it is time for the Grand Entrance. Since every family and crowd is different, an MC will make judgment calls based upon his experience of how to proceed with the Opening. You will have to be prepared for anything and follow the MC’s lead. It is most important that you remain with the family and the GOH during this time; and keep your eyes on the MC. See an example scenario for the Opening below:
The MC will invite everyone into the main ballroom and ask the guests and family to join him on the perimeter of the dance floor. You will assist with this since some guests will still be in conversations. Be polite and escort as many people to the floor as possible. At this point, you will make sure to stand with the GOH and/or the family. The MC will formally introduce the GOH and begin the build-up for the Grand Entrance. There will be a set of up-beat dance songs in rapid succession. You may want to:
1) Do a quick set of motivational movements with a group of kids or
2) Follow the movements of the MC as he leads the crowd.
3) Support any “shtick” that the MC may want to utilize, using party
goods if necessary.
4) Listen for the MC’s alert for Grand Entrance; this will not be a loud
announcement but a discreet message to dancers only.


Grand Entrance

This is the formal introduction of the immediate family of the GOH. You will need to know each member of the family, preferably by name. This will make them feel special and result in a great review for you. As soon as the MC has announced the Grand Entrance, this is your cue to:
1) Escort each family member out of the main ballroom to await further
2) The MC may wish to have a dancer stay to help organize the crowd
into a circle.
3) Be sure that there is an opening in the circle so that the family my
easily enter the center of the dance floor.
4) If for some reason, the family is not ready (i.e. grandma had to use
the rest room), the MC must be notified so that he can stall until the
family is ready to go.
5) You may want to prepare a special entrance for the siblings or
GOH. Be creative with this!
6) The MC will signal the dancers that he is ready and the dancers will
return the signal if the family is ready.
The MC will have the crowd clapping and cheering as he announces each family member, one at a time. Your job is to act as “cheerleader/escort” for the family and bring them to the center of the dance floor. You will then dance with the family, one member at a time. Guys will dance with the mom/sisters and the ladies dance with the dad/brothers. This is not the time to draw attention to you but to your dance partner. Obviously, keep it clean. At this time, the MC will have everyone sit down for their first course. You can take this time to prepare for the next set.

Candle Lighting 

Most bar/bat mitzvahs will include the Candle Lighting ceremony. This is the time where the GOH will pay tribute to family and friends by lighting candles in their honor. Your main responsibilities are to escort the named guests to the candle and back to their seats, as well as keeping the energy high in the room.
1) Help aid the MC in having all of the kids seated on the dance floor
being careful not to block the photographers or videographers.
2) You may be asked to stand next to the MC and hold the candle
which lights the other candles on the cake.
3) Once the MC calls a guest’s name, you will escort them to the
candle and back to their seat.
4) Use creativity by utilizing party goods, dancing, etc.
5) If you are not an escort, mingle throughout the room motivating
guests to sing or clap.
6) Provide special treatment for the siblings, if possible.
Once the final candle is lit, the MC will have the GOH make a wish and blow out the candles. Everyone will join in singing Happy Birthday at this time. The MC will go immediately into the Hora and will need assistance in forming two circles with the guests. You will help lead the guests into the circles making sure the family is in the center. When the MC is ready, he will ask for a chair to elevate each family member. Dancers will need to stay alert for this moment so that one may get a chair while others assist the family members in the center of the circle. When the Hora is finished, you will need to follow the MC’s lead. Most likely, you will join the circle for a special ending before the MC has everyone take their seats.

Set (after First Course)

First course will be served while you prepare for the set of dancing by changing costumes and preparing party goods. The MC will begin this set with First Dance. The DJ will play slow songs as the MC slowly invites all guests to join the family on the dance floor. You will be handing out party goods during this time.
While dinner is being served, dancers should be with the kids. If arrangements have been made for you to eat, it is crucial that you do not eat openly in front of the guests. All food and drink must be concealed. Check with your MC first. Since the kids will finish before the adults, the MC may arrange for the kids to gather for a group picture. It is your job to make this fun and creative. You can help arrange the kids, sing, etc.  Adults will definitely be watching you at this time so make sure you are showing them what they want to see. Once the photos have been taken, the kids usually want to play games. Familiarize yourself with the following games since you will be expected to play them with the kids:

    • Levitation Coke & Pepsi
    • Huggy Bear (bat mitzvah)
    • Rock & Roll Slam (bar mitzvah)
    • Pyramid
    • Mummy Wrap Freeze dance on Bubble Wrap
    • The Numbers Game The Multiplication Dance


Set (after Dinner) 

This set will vary depending on the MC. Most likely, the set will begin with slow songs to entice the guests to come to the dance floor. During this time you will be handing out the remaining party goods. Once the dance floor is full, the MC will pick up the party by having the guests participate in various sets or motivational dances. Below is a list of some of the possibilities which you will be responsible for knowing:
1) Girls/Guys on Stage: MC will invite either girls or guys onto the
stage to sing a set of songs. For the ladies, you will give them party
props such as umbrellas, necklaces, boas; for the men you can give
them glasses, hats, blow-up instruments, etc. Party goods will vary
from party to party so use your judgment or ask the MC.
2) Island Set: You may have special costumes for this set so check
with the MC. Party favors that are great for this set are maracas,
leis, sombreros, etc. You may do a Conga line, the Dollar Dance or
high energy Latin Club mixes.
3) Grease Set: This is a song mix of 50’s songs that have routines to
coincide with each song. Make sure you know the moves and
follow the MC.
4) Motown Set: This is a song mix of Motown songs which also have
routines that coincide with each song. You will need to know these
moves and follow the MC.
5) Various High Energy Sets: There are a number of songs that may
be played here depending the MC. Follow the MC’s lead and keep
the crowd involved.


During this time, coffee and desserts are being served to the guests. The MC may use this time to gear the music toward the adults by playing older music such as swing or ball room songs. This will be the MC’s call.  Requested songs can be played as well as line dances. Be sure to keep the kids entertained or they may get restless.


The finale can be different, depending on the MC. The main goal is to have all guests join the GOH on the dance floor and pay tribute to the family. Most common is having the guests form a circle while the GOH stands or sits on the center. The MC will share words with the family and
the GOH and may even pass the microphone around the circle. You should be a part of the circle or with the family joining in the tribute.  Depending on the crowd, the MC may formally introduce each dancer and have you perform solos at this time.


Your main motivation is to get everyone on the dance floor and keep the energy at a high level throughout the entire evening. As you gain experience, you will learn more ways to accomplish this by clapping, singing lyrics, jumping and smiling. Some of you may be experienced enough to offer extra support to the MC by helping with motivational movements and running the kids’ games. If the MC feels you are ready, you may even get the microphone! 

During the affair there will be photographers and videographers capturing every exciting moment. With everything going on, it is easy to forget about them but you must learn to pay attention at all times. 
Be courteous and helpful in organizing great moments for them to capture during the night. 
Most important, enjoy the event and give 100% effort throughout the 
entire party. 

Make sure you are familiar with this manual and you will be on your way to being the ultimate entertainer who is always asked for by name